As of September 30th, the Multinational Species Conservation Funds Semipostal Stamp Act of 2010 (H.R. 1454) was signed into law. Sponsored by Rep. Henry Brown (R-SC1) and strongly supported by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), this Stamp Act “provides for the issuance of a special U.S. Postal Service stamp whose premium price would directly contribute to funding for projects supported by the Multinational Species Conservation Funds (MSCF), which are administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS)” (WCS, 2010).
Multinational Species Conservation Funds Semipostal Stamp Act of 2010 - Requires the United States Postal Service to issue and sell, at a premium, a Multinational Species Conservation Funds Semipostal Stamp. Requires the use of such a stamp to be voluntary on the part of postal patrons.
Requires proceeds from the sale of such stamp to be: (1) transferred to the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to help fund the operations supported by the Multinational Species Conservation Funds; and (2) divided equally among the African Elephant Conservation Fund, the Asian Elephant Conservation Fund, the Great Ape Conservation Fund, the Marine Turtle Conservation Fund, the Rhinoceros and Tiger Conservation Fund, and other international wildlife conservation funds authorized by Congress after the date of this Act's enactment. Prohibits such proceeds from being taken into account in any decision relating to the level of appropriations or other federal funding to be furnished to the USFWS or such Funds. Requires the stamp to be made available to the public for at least two years. Prohibits such proceeds from being used to fund or support the Wildlife Without Borders Program or to supplement funds made available for the Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Fund. (2009)The Wildlife Conservation Society has been a longtime supporter of H.R. 1454 and believes that its passage in both the House and Senate “represents a victory for supporters of wildlife and fiscally responsible governance” (WCS, 2010). John Calvelli, WCS Executive Vice President of Public Affairs, says it best when he declares, “I thank Rep. Henry Brown (R-SC) and Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KS) for their leadership in helping pass this very important piece of legislation […] The conservation of imperiled species is greatly enhanced by the infusion of more resources, especially through creative funding mechanisms such as sale of semi-postal stamps that have no impact on the U.S. taxpayer" (WCS, 2010).
Granting the public an opportunity to help protect wildlife and fund conservation projects simply by purchasing postal stamps is an inspired idea. There are many people who care very passionately about both the environment and wildlife conservation but do not know how to help. H.R. 1454 gives those people a hassle-free way to give support to the wildlife conservation projects already in progress. These stamps will be sold nationwide at U.S. post offices, as well as zoos and aquariums. I guarantee that once these stamps are available for purchase I will do my part to help. Who’s with me?
Introduced March 12, 2009
Referred to Committee Committee Assignments
Reported by Committee June 10, 2009
Passed House December 7, 2009
Passed Senate July 29, 2010
Signed by President September 30, 2010
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