Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Desensitized to Human Rights Footage?

On the EarthRights International blog, Brad Weikel writes about the official YouTube blog and how Steve Grove of YouTube and Sameer Padania of WITNESS have been writing a series of blog posts all summer long about the impact of online videos in human rights advocacy campaigns. It turns out that Grove and Padania asked their readers to respond to questions posed on the YouTube blog; there was quite a large response. To see the full blog post go to it hereI, however, only wish to answer one of the three questions posed to the world audience. 

When referring to digital human rights advocacy:
How can we stay alert to human rights footage without getting de-sensitized to it?

This is a vital question that can be rephrased for any important cause. For example, it could also be asked about gun violence in video games; yet, the one way people never get de-sensitized to human rights footage is the fact that it is happening everywhere. No matter where a person lives, he/she is never far from someone in need, whether it be a homeless man around the corner or a veteran home from war who can no longer work to support his/her family. It may seem that human rights issues surround the continental United States, but the fact is they exist here at home too. And, the phrase “human rights” does not simply refer to the rights of humans; it refers to animal rights as well. As long as people comprehend that human rights issues are not just images on a screen located millions of miles away but that they are somewhere close to home, the world’s eyes will remain alert. 

The easiest way to make a difference in the world is to find one cause that speaks directly to you and your life. Whatever cause awakens emotion in your heart, volunteer your time, donate any amount of money, or simply advocate for the cause on social media sites to reach a wider audience. Any amount of effort put toward your chosen cause, whether it be large or small, can help immensely.

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